MemDB Technology Company
Tel: (852) 93225064 Email:contact@memdb.comMemCompany (Download)
MemCompany is a web-based and console-based system which stores the company profile to the memory database system. It embeds the Memory Database (MemDB) and Web Server (MemWS) engines so user does not need to buy any third party database and web server products. It allows user to insert and search company information (like a Web Search Engine) through Web browser or console application. User can update and delete the company information from the console application. It is a freeware and our company can tailor-made it or other similar system according to different customer requirements. For more information, you can welcome to visit our website
Below is the description of this system.
After you download the system (, you can unzip it and put all the files in a directory. Then you can execute the MemCompany.exe directly. Before you install the system, please read the license first.
After you run the MemCompany.exe, you will see the following GUI. You can use menu (System -> Start Web Server), then enter the server port number. You can use any port number (e.g. 8001) to start the web server.
After you have started the web server, the system will start your default web browser and display the following content.
To insert a new company, you can click the [Insert a new company] link in the browser or click the [Insert] button in the console application. For example, you can see the following page in the browser after you click the [insert a new company link].
You can fill the form and click the submit button. The company information will be inserted to the memory database system. You can use browser to search the company or use the console application. This new records does not appear in the console application. In order to see it, you can use the Menu (System -> Refresh) to refresh the record. You can update or delete this record in the console application.
Most companies have their website. This system can be used to let visitors to enter their contact information to your site. This system can be acted as a web search engine. You can enter the company description and search all the companies which fit the search criteria. To use this system in your website, you need to run this application server in your machine which the IP address (e.g. and port (e.g. 8001) can be accessed by public. Then you can add a link (e.g.. OR in your website.
MemDB is a leading provider of high-speed Memory Database System in Hong Kong. We have professional technology on Memory Database System and introduce this technology to our customers. We help them to tailor-made any application and integrate their data into the Memory Database System. If you are interested in our company, please contact us.
Contact Information
Telephone: (852) 93225064